The Three Stooges (2000 TV Movie)
Entertaining in a fluffy way...
25 April 2000
This bio-pic of the Three Stooges was on for the first time on ABC last night. I quite enjoyed it, although it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know.

But then again, I AM a Three Stooges fan from way back. I remember watching them on TV from my early childhood, and I still catch them on the Comedy Network (they still run the old two-reelers here in Canada) when ever I can. I saw the Stooges live during their revival in the early 60's, and have read all the biographies that I could get my hands on. So you would really have to dig deeply to find anything that would be news to me...

For the average person, however, there was probably a lot to learn about the lives and times of the Stooges--their beginnings in Vaudeville with Ted Healy, their split with him and going on their own, how they had no idea how popular they were (and therefore were underpaid and underappreciated for decades at Columbia Pictures).

This could have been a better story if it could have been given more time, like maybe as a miniseries over a couple of nights. I'm not sure if there is enough interest out there in the Stooges for ABC to have committed to that though. Too bad--there really was too much story to tell in two hours (1 1/2 when you factor in commercials).

Acting was fine. The appearance of Curly and Larry were realistic enough that if you didn't know what movie you were watching you would have figured it out from these two. Moe and Shemp were pretty unconvincing although the haircuts helped a lot. As well, the actor playing Larry's wife Mabel looked just like the real Mabel, although I don't suppose too many people would have appreciated that.

All-in-all, a good film, and a worthwhile two hours. I recommend it when it airs again, or appears on video, especially if you are somewhat of a Stooge fan. But supplement it with a good biography to get the whole story and ALL the details.
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