One of the Scariest Film Ever Made
20 June 2004
I do not make the claim lightly. According to the IMDb I have seen 2275 films as of June 2004 and 530 of those are classified as horror. I've seen films from all over the World and IMHO this is one of the scariest.

I'm not saying the majority of viewers would agree if they were lucky enough to see this classic short, just that it's my favourite. Whether you might agree depends on what you like in a horror film. My favourites all seem to have a common factor; AN OVERWHELMING ATMOSPHERE OF DREAD. "The Haunting (1963)" "The Wicker Man" "Don't Look Now" "Halloween" "La Cabina" "BWP"...........they all have this same quality but "A Warning to the Curious" does it best.

I won't include any spoilers but I will say that the film contains two terrifying images and the music is extremely unsettling. Made on a very small budget (so don't expect any special effects) this BBC classic is now available to buy on DVD from the BFI. It is one of a series of DVD's re-issued by the BFI from the BBC's "A Ghost Story For Christmas" series aired in the 1970's. They have also issued "The Signalman" and the excellent "Oh Whistle and I'll Come To You" both of which are worth purchasing.

The film has some unique features. A ghost that appears in the day as well as the night? A ghost that runs after you rather than float or walk? You get the feeling that something very strange is happening and that some or all the other characters, other than the lead, are in on it. Very reminiscent of "Don't Look Now"

The film also retains its eeriness no matter how many times you watch it.
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