Review of The '70s

The '70s (2000)
Insipid dreck
10 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I have some basic memories of the seventies, and it was quite different from this garbage. THe plot is silly soap opera foolishness. THe political and social slant is decidedly Hollywood wacky left. The upper crust Republican is of course stupid and gets involved in Watergate, ignoring the complexities of the issue, he weepily confesses later how he was "on the wrong side." His father, of course, a scotch swilling fool is a not even comic book parody. The idiot of course berates his father after coming to his epiphany: "We're the enemy! We're the enemy!" Pogo is rolling over in his cartoon grave. It's all "of course" because that's the way Hollywood thinks, or doesn't think.

Asking for an in depth look at what happened during this miserable decade might be asking for too much. But come on, a string of music videos one after another does not a movie make. Poorly plotted, mediocre acting, and utterly indifferent direction puts this way down on the movie meter, even for made for tv style flicks.

THe Black Panthers are depicted as happy civic activists, no where is there the fact that they were also drug running murderers and terrorists. Even worse, they wear the worst wigs on the planet to approximate afros. It poorly documents the transition from the dammaging radical social movements of the early seventies to the hedonistic greyness of the Carter years. And it utterly fails to capture the real despair of the time, the depression, and economic heartbreak.

The mousy daughter has her advertising idea stolen by a slimy corporate type--such a cliche as to better suited to a bottom of the barrel sit com. THen sues for sexual discrimination, okay.

Who knows, perhaps the seventies were so stupid and ugly to begin with, they deserve a stupid an ugly movie about it. Accuracy would be nice though. The end was awful, the move into the eighties was utterly ignored, the vast transition. Ignore this garbage.
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