characters and theme of movie lacks reality check
27 August 2002
Generally I enjoy the independent/Sundance/artistic license type movies. I also like Radha Mitchell and hope she gets more and better movie roles in her career. Overall, however, I thought this movie came up short. I can scarcely imagine a mother as distant and unaffected as the lead character's mother. My own mother would have immediately attached herself to my side if I were in Angie's shoes. Also, her circle of friends and their self-centeredness seemed a bit overdone. I am as cynical of mankind's charitable nature as the next, but even I believe most `friends' have much more compassion and common sensibilities in dealing with a friend that just lost her baby than was portrayed by Angie's friends, who came across as unintelligent and shallow. Also, from the beginning, I believe the average couple would have enlisted the help of group or solo therapy to deal with such a horrific loss. The husband may have `been there' for her but he provided no source for a solution to his wife's angst. He should have encouraged her to seek professional therapy rather than popping for a trip to Aruba as the cure all. It is still an interesting film to watch if you assume for a moment that you live in the cold, heartless, `stereotypical' world of easily detachable people. Again, I see Radha Mitchell as a very compelling actress to watch. Thanks.
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