Review of Oriundi

Oriundi (1999)
Filmed in the lush Southwestern Brazilian town of Curitiba, Oriundi is a film of lost passions and lost dreams.
2 May 2000
The story is centered in the Italian community of Curitiba, which is struggling to maintain their unique identity and ties to their homeland while evolving as an integral part of the Brazilian cultural landscape. The film opens on the birthday party of Giuseppe (Anthony Quinn) the 93-year-old patriarch of the Padovani family, who is a broken man who has lost the will to live, to love and even to walk. At the party he meets Sofia D'Angelo (Leticia Spiller), a young family member from Italy who has come to Brazil to research her roots. Sofia is the image of Giuseppe's beautiful young wife who died in a plane crash sixty years earlier. Her presence in the family serves as a catalyst for everyone to rediscover their dreams. Through her, Guiseppe and his family throw off the bounds of their current lives and find the road to true happiness, no matter how painful or impossible that road may seem. Anthony is a pure delight as the mesmerizing Giuseppe. Quinn is joined in the cast by his son, Lorenzo Quinn, who plays him as a young man and also his grandson, who has a small walk-on part. This film is rich is story, scenery and context. I highly recommend it.
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