Review of Starhunter

Starhunter (2000–2004)
This is how sci-fi should be
18 June 2003
Thisb is how sci-fi should be. In addition to some better than average special fx (and in many episodes Lots of them) Starhunter has ideas, not since early Star Trek or the first seasson of X files has a TV series trusted the viewer to arm wrestle with some questions. ORDER is my favorite episode this way. A life and death struggle in which everyone's faith, or lack of it, is challenged -no cliches or sacherine answers, but humour is rocks along with it.

Dante and Percy are cool characters, and they rarely do the expected. Yeah, maybe there wasn't to much money -I can't tell for sure- but it gives you something most TV doesn't. Hope there's a second season!
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