Review of The Pianist

The Pianist (2002)
Move along, no story here
27 February 2003
If you think that movies that deal with Nazi atrocities are inherently worthwhile, then you might think that this movie is inherently worthwhile. If, on the other hand, you expect a movie, whether it deals with Nazi atrocities or not, to actually tell a story, then I'd say there's a good chance you *won't* find this movie worthwhile.

What does this movie give us? Well, it gives us a string of Nazi atrocities, very realistically depicted, and it gives us what I suppose is supposed to be a main character, but it gives us precious little else! Most of main character's screen time is given over to him being acted upon by circumstances and by other people, but very little of him being pro-active, himself. And even his passivity might be interesting if we knew what he was thinking or feeling. But we are never given that information. We never know what it is that he really wants. Or how he feels, say, about the fact that his family was shipped off to their probable death, but he was saved by a fluke.

The picture is certainly well-made from the stand point of art direction and cinematography, but story-wise, it's a shambles. As far as I'm concerned, Roman Polanski owes me big-time. Thank you.
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