29 October 2001
I am a HUGE fan of A&E originals, as well as Masterpiece Theatre. Two of my favorite movies of all time are "Pride and Prejudice" (1995), and "Wives and Daughters". I am now adding "Victoria and Albert" to my list of all time favorites. This movie was absolutely stunning! And, what's even more amazing is that, unlike the previous favorites I mentioned, "Victoria and Albert" is a TRUE story! As soon as I finished watching it, I immediately went online to try to find more information on Victoria and Albert, family photos, excerpts from their diaries, etc. I had always thought of Queen Victoria as a women of 75 or so, and in a wheelchair. To see the true story of her younger years was such a treat.

The story was told SO very eloquently. Jonathan Firth and Victoria Hamilton were outstanding! They breathed life into their characters. I felt connected to Victoria and Albert somehow after I finished watching the movie. I actually felt like I was watching their lives unfold. The supporting cast was unreal. This was a dream cast, if I've ever seen one. Absolutely NO ONE was miscast. Nigel Hawthorne, as Lord M, was wonderful. The scene were he has to say goodbye to Victoria was so touching. Seeing these two historical characters sharing a tearful goodbye, and a handkerchief, was simply beautiful. The scenes between Victoria and Albert were pure magic. I love the scene between the two of them over the game of chess. I just don't know what else to say, except that this movie was utterly brilliant. It's an amazing in-depth look into 19th century British politics, but, above all, it's a stunningly glorious story of TRUE love. I'm getting teary-eyed just thinking about it! Please, please, take the time to see "Victoria and Albert". If you don't like this movie, well... then you and I could never possibly be friends. I know it's a bit harsh, but there it is. :)
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