Aspiring Script Writers, Take Heart!
6 September 2001
If this summer has been any indication, Hollywood is willing to put ANYTHING to film! JEEPERS CREEPERS is the best proof of this and the final nail in the coffin for this summer's schlockfest! If you're looking to sell your script idea, do it now! Hollywood will most likely buy it, especially if you don't know what you're doing! Victor Salva has obviously never taken a class in screenwriting or movie making.

Jeepers Creepers has socially inept, mentally stunted, unlikeable characters. The "story" (using the term loosely) meanders aimlessly like a lazy Sunday at the mall shopping with mom. I can't comment on the climax since it didn't have one and the ending just ... ends. The movie seemed to be made up of scenes that Salva thought would look "creepy", but, with nothing to hold them together and camera work as static as my socks, the scenes failed to pull anything from me except contempt. I have seen some drek in my day (Reptilicus & A*P*E), but at least they make me laugh. My friend and I laughed during Jeepers only to keep ourselves from setting fire to the projection booth!

Bottom line: Easily the worst movie ever made! If you miss it, you won't miss it!
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