Razzie Award nominee: Worst picture of the year
23 September 2001
What greater praise can I bestoy on a picture than to say-- "Battlefield Earth was better, much better"

Megiddo: The Omega Code 2, fails horribly on many levels. Some are technical, some are plot wise, and many come back to the general lack that these filmmakers have in cinematic movie making.

8Xentertainment has released a decent movie before ("Carman: The Champion"), so I was surprised, but here goes--

Errors, in movie making: first off, this movie needs to ask itself, "What am I?". Am I a sequel, a prequel, a both, a set up for a holy trilogy??? Going into the movie I thought it was a prequel. The movie poster itself says it is a sequel, and the movie itself never references The Omega Code at all. The title is simply "Meggido" (so technically neither).

Casper Van Diem: huh he is actually in the movie??? the movie jumps so much in the first 40 minutes, that we go from a voice over about the dawn of time and then about the time of Jesus, then different people discussing Richard Nixon, Gunsmoke, and JFK, to a fire, to a militare school in early years, to fighting over girlfriends, to graduation, to patricide, to european union (in the early 1990's???-um error???).

This is the first mess that is the 40 minutes or so of this trash.

Basically, the movie is hard to follow (its a prequel for parts, but then its a sequel. Where the heck is the original The Omega Code then?? paste them together, so we can actually remember/notice Van Diem in this movie and , OH YEAH,, so that the movie will actually make sense) If you even follow the movie to this point (we are apparently in a sequel, so please remember those subtle plot points from 2 years ago), the world is now at war with an E.U. leader, but they don't know it (this is so, Left Behind, Apocalypse, Tribulation, Retribution).

Please, if you want a "christian" movie go see those (Apocalypse being the one to skip). Heck, if you want any wakup movie on the topic, see those. DONT SEE "MEGGIDO".

The world at war, had a separate battle between brothers and demonic spirits.

Again, please go see a different movie (The Omen, Damien:Omen II, The Final Conflict:Omen III, and Omen IV:The Awakening are much better).

The rest of the movie is no more original.

Basically, Meggido is an unoriginal ripe off that spans 40 years in 40 minutes, has stupid acting/speaches, and cannot be classified as anything related to the original. Cameo appearences that could be fun, make no sense, and the ending can only be a sequel....

The search for the next Worst picture Razzie award need look no farther.

Even Michael Beihn cannot save this dud.

Meggido is a definite loser of a movie, but its my Razzie winner.
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