Good family movie
2 May 2003
The Princess of Thieves is a family movie and as such we enjoyed it for its lack of blood, less than fearsome fight sequences, and general lightness. As the director says on the DVD, 'this is melodrama.' Since Robin Hood is a legendary character, it seems appropriate that any film about him not take itself too seriously.

Anyone over the age of twelve will deem this film banal and simplistic, but for young movie viewers, this film is perfect fit to their sensibilities. We saw many parallels with 'The Princess Bride', another charming melodrama with more comedy. Watch this film with three unjaded, young girls and see how charming this film can be. The plot is not too complicated. The production values are good enough. Plenty of action while the story never drags. Granted, 'The Princess of Thieves' is not as memorable as 'The Princess Bride', but the intended audiences are different.

We could use more good, light family movies like The Princess of Thieves.
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