Lilo & Stitch (2002)
IGNORE anyone who doesn't like it! They're outta their mind!
21 June 2002
I just got back from the movie and it was FANTASTIC. I speak as an artist and longtime character-design fan. Stitch alone--his rapid, dangerous-looking movement, the construction of his amazingly expressive and yet pupil-less eyes, the sounds he makes and the effortless way he plows through, rips up and bites things much larger than himself--is worth the price of admission.

Some reviewers for fairly major papers (Atlanta Journal-Constitution comes to mind) have chosen to pooh-pooh this movie for no discernible reason. Some whine that the animation was "dismal". Earth to them: you have NO idea what you're talking about. Just what *do* you consider good animation? Or that the story was "derivative". Excuse me, nothing exists in a vacuum. This movie was WAY more original than 90% of the other movies out there (ummm, wonder if that critic thinks all the old-tv-show-remake movies are great cinema?!). Or that it was "a kiddie movie that needs Ritalin and a decent script"?! Well, news flash: it's really not a kiddie movie, and this was the only "kiddie" script I've seen that dares to give us as a heroine a troubled, lonesome little girl (and her troubled, lonesome "broken little family").

If you truly enjoy animated films...IGNORE these taste-free, small-minded individuals and enjoy "Lilo and Stitch" for its refreshing character designs, beautiful watercolor paintings used as backgrounds, and best of all the cleverly realized, well-rendered movements of the characters. Also, its lack of sappiness, smarminess or gratuitous anything. It's well done across the board--a rare treat that some people, apparently, haven't got the sense to appreciate.
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