The worst movie of 2001? No.
29 December 2001
The worst movie of 2001? I think not. Let's be realistic, after all.

What's worse?

A movie that takes itself way too seriously, has no plot, terrible acting, focuses on one overhyped star, is driven by special effects, is entirely unbelievable even for its own genre and is downright boring...

Or a movie that refuses to take itself seriously, offending people left and right with jokes and gags, creating a self-parody that is disgusting at parts, offensive at others and hilarious at still others.

Well, Tomb Raider was certainly the crappiest movie made in 2001. Not Another Teen Movie isn't even close. Not when Final Fantasy, The Musketeer and Pearl Harbor all followed Tomb Raider's mold.

Teen Movie doesn't take itself seriously -- the toilet scene interrupting the professor's comments about how toilet-humor is gross, vulgar and not funny is proof enough of that -- so why should we? To treat Teen Movie as if it's supposed to have all the merits of Citizen Kane is ridiculous!

So when I say that the movie is a 7/10, it's not because I think it is very original. Not because the jokes haven't been done before (they have). Not because it isn't terribly disgusting and rude (it is).

But let's face it. It's SUPPOSED to be this offensive, and it's not that bad to boot. The acting is very good -- most likely because there's very little to act -- and the directing can't be faulted. The screenwriting can, of course. There's no plot, there's potty humor galore, and that does get old very quickly, the parodies aren't as funny as in say, Airplane! The Naked Gun, or even Scary Movie...

But wait! Is there supposed to be a plot? Nope. Is there supposed to be an overuse of potty humor? I think so. It's quite obvious the director and screenwriters stopped taking this movie very seriously when they let loose with a toilet full of crap (literally) and had women walk around completely naked.

The aim of the movie is to completely shock/offend and thereby make the audience laugh, even if it's out of sheer disbelief. They succeed, mostly, with the only problems being some of the spoofs were already used, and used better, in Scary Movie. Also some of the spoofs just aren't as funny as they could have been.

So because the film mostly succeeds in doing what it intended to do, and because some of the parodies are truly funny (and not just shock-funny), I give it a 7/10.
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