Review of Enough

Enough (I) (2002)
Retitle it "Screenplay from Hell"
21 July 2002
Awful. Perhaps one of the worst movies I have seen in the last two years, "Enough" was doomed from the opening titles, mostly due to an incredibly inane, unbelievable script. One of the sure signs that a film has been poorly written is apparent when good actors (Lopez, Campbell) look like they cannot act. The dialogue is so shoddy that it lends no credibility to their characters.

Irritating sequence titles "Our Wedding," "The Conquering Hero," etc., are used to paste together badly paced events in the first half of this story, then are abandoned in the worsening second half. Major plot developments (relationships, telltale violent behavior, murders, cross-country travel) are curiously omitted.

The first sign that Lopez's hubby is wacko strangely does not happen until they have been married for five years. Upon his confession of an affair and refusal to end it, the wronged wife is immediately forgiving and accepting.. much more than most spouses would be for a forgotten anniversary. When he first assaults her, rather than showing fear and revulsion, she wipes a small (already clotted) trickle of blood from her cheek and continues a philosophical conversation with him about their relationship.

The plot, dialogue, editing and continuity are a mess. This was a true waste of talent including Lopez, Campbell, Noah Wylie (who has made a bad misstep in choosing a first major screen role) and Juliet Lewis (who once AGAIN exhibits facial expressions that convey a character with mental illness or some emotional disturbance).

Enough already.
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