Good, very good
4 March 2003
As with any film, it could have always been better. From film critics to Civil War buffs, I have heard how they thought this film was boring. Some even said it was politically incorrect! Excuse me, the Confederate flag, Dixie and slaves were part of American history-you cannot sweep it under some vast PC rug-it was and is part of who we are as a nation. I even heard one critic say there was too much praying to God in the film, well too bad for them. Once upon a time a public display of reverance to God was common place, that was of course until we hit the era of political correctness. Once again, religious convictions-right or wrong were what powered the nation in it's early years. The film was long, this I will agree, still it told a story about some of American history that seems to not get it's due on film. While Civil War films like Glory are great, the story of Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Joshua Chamberlain and countless others Union/Confederate deserved to be told on the big screen. Frankly, the Glory brigade was an interesting footnote in the annuals of Civil War and American Military history-the film Gods and Generals focused on no mere footnotes in history, but rather giants. If this sounds offensive, then read the history of the Civil War and see for yourself. Back to the film, it plays well and does not lack in entertainment. If seeing the South victorious in this film bothered you, then hurry and rent Gettysburg, the sequel to this prequel. The North wins the battle. Look, films like Gods and Generals at least inspire young people to learn more about their nation's history. Screw the multiculturalism educating formats of today, the Civil War helped our nation grow and become better. If we learn from it, hopefully we will not wander back into another such war in the future. Remember, the war was largely fought between the same race of people, just regional differences. Think of what our future holds with an America ignorant of it's past. Keep films like this rolling and forget the critics-the theater I was at was packed.
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