Great non-P.C. film
17 March 2003
Great Civil War film that DOES NOT WHITEWASH slavery. One of the best things about this film is that it does not follow the PC slime that is so prevalent in society. Don't take my word for it but this movie followed the lives of these people with great attention to historic detail. I think the biggest mistake that people make when watching something like this is that they are thinking with 21st century minds. When you see this you have to understand that this country, both northern and southern states, was very different. I've read other reviews for this and have noticed that people have'nt read their history. This movie accurately shows the events leading up to the war. Yes slavery was a cause, but not THE cause. Most of these people like Lee and Jackson loved the Union Army and were not seccesionists. Lee himself said "I believe that seccesion is unconstitutional and I believe that slavery is an immoral and political evil in any society". These men were fighting for their homes and what they believed in. When you watch the film, try and keep that in mind and don't listen to these doorknobs who claim that everybody in the northern states were all righteous and pure and wanted to liberate the black slaves in the south and that all southerners were racist traitors, dry that out and you could fertilize Central Park in New York. You be the judge, but honestly if history and the Civil War are not your thing then don't see the movie. However for those who love history and have an open mind then this is the movie for you. The acting is top notch, most noteably Stephen Lang as Stonewall Jackson. Also Jeff Daniels and Robert Duvall as General Lee. The costumes and sets were very believeable and historically accurate. The sound and special effects were well done, and it gives you the feel that you are there in 1863. Wonderful classic 9/10 stars.
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