Yeeehaw! (daintily of course)
7 June 2002
Ya ya! I've never read the book, but the movie is precious. It's a trip down a psychological highway and steeped in Creole Southern twangs and family secrets. It mixes up to be a hell of a road and eerily like real life. There's something that's nice to see, considering the best movies are the most life like.

Imagine Maggie Smith rolling around an Oxygen tank in designer clothes slipping people (including Sandra Bullock) Mickey Finns and making it look realistic (funny, I know people who would do something like that). Then think of Ashley Judd having a nervous breakdown and whipping her children with a belt buckle till they bleed.

It's a chick flick, I don't see men liking it all that much, so with a chick flick comes a female director who did an outstanding job for a debut. Callie Khouri has created a film that remembers the emotional details without sacrificing them to the greater plot. In fact the only way to enjoy this movie is to actually pay attention to the plethora of details and immerse yourselves in the atmosphere and culture that is prime breeding ground for film auteurs and charcters alike.

Ashley Judd deserves something for one hell of a performance. So does Sandra Bullock, and we have to create a Ya-Ya award for the senior dames of Hollywood who came out in force for this flick. God bless actresses and Angus MacFadyen.

The delicately balanced and finely tuned relationships that are the crux of the story, are developed beautifully have their expositions in due time, and follow the strict rules of human psychological behavior. Yes it's ok to make a movie about a daughter who forgives her mother. If you pay attention you'll see the validation for any forgiveness that might occur. This isn't Lifetime BS, this is good old fashioned real life.

Lousiana, Creole, Catholicism, African American, Seafood, Blues, Bluegrass, love, marriage, family, eccentric names, eccentric people, alcoholism, scary pasts, and all the above. Blend it together and make a drink and you come out with Divine Secrets and some Ya Yas on the side.
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