Joe Boxer should be paid royalties...
15 September 2001
Well, here we have The Brotherhood II: Young Warlocks. Somehow, between the first one and this one, they've changed from vampires to warlocks, even though the "baddie" is supposed to have been in the first film. But, then again, you can't really look to deeply at this movie if you want it to make any sense. Lets just say that again, DeCoteau has filled one of his movies with a bunch of cute boys running around in their boxer briefs, and not much else. Nothing wrong with that, mind you, but at least try to have a little bit of an interesting story to surround all that naked, well toned flesh.

I'll be honest, I enjoyed the first Brotherhood, and was looking forward to seeing this one, but found it to be a major let down. Just like the first movie, the main lead (Sean Faris..."John") is gorgeous. He's got an undeniable cuteness that, if he plays it right, will move him on to bigger and better things (he's already started...he extra'd in Pearl Harbor). Stacey Scowley (Mary) is also surprisingly good in her role. She also has the potential to really break out. (I kept thinking of Meg Ryan - no joke - while watching her). The rest of the cast, however, leaves a lot to be desired.

Luke is the "new kid" at a posh private school, and sets out recruiting a group of outcast friends for his coven he's trying to start. One "lets all get naked and jump in the pool" scene later, and wham-bam, he's got his warlocks. Only now John wants out. Oh, and did I tell you that there's also sub-plots that involve a militant head mistress and a rather cute bully named Harlan who's group never wears shirts, and gets the proverbial "what they deserve" routine? Well, there are. A teacher also figures into all this somehow, but I couldn't tell you how even if I tried...and I just finished watching the movie 30 minutes ago!

To make a long story short, The Brotherhood II: Young Warlocks is a movie that has a couple cute guys in their underwear, bad acting, rotten dialogue, many unanswered questions, and totally ridiculous plot twists. Take my advise, stick with the first film. That wasn't a masterpiece by any means, but it at least tried to be a good movie.

My grade: C- (It'd be a "D-", but I still think Sean Faris is a hottie!)
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