Review of The Factor

The Factor (1996–2017)
I dont think I've ever wanted to reach through the screen to throttle someone before.
30 June 2003
I actually used to watch this program a few years ago, from say, about early 2000 to 2001. And you know, I actually kind of liked it, even though I rarely agreed with what he said, mostly because it was nice seeing normally namby-pamby politicans actually answer a question once in a while.

But as time has gone by the show has changed quite a bit, and the reason why is actually pretty simple: Bill's head has become so overinflated, I'm surprised his neck can support it.

So now that Bill has the ratings, the show has practically become an hour long rant that goes beyond news analysis, and at best has become an endless trip inside his need to make himself feel important, and at worst is like listening to the old man in the diner booth next to you complain about how everything he cant find has been stolen by some punk kid.

Now as much as I want to, I wont get into the whole "conservative" thing in regards to Bill or Fox News channel, even though I really, REALLY want to. Let's face it people, this dude is as whacked out republican as any blowhard talk radio twit. Oh, wait a minute....Bill has a radio show during the day, dosent he? Hmmmm.....

Actually, I'll just keep my comments to his show. Listening to Bill yap and yap and point his fingers at the guests (and at the viewer) just got real old, REAL fast. To call him a TV bully almost sounds too easy, and in someways he's more like a 19 year old who overcompensates in heated conversations by yelling due to a percieved lack of anyone ever listening to him. This is probably the reason why he'll spend segment after segment calling anyone who wont go on his show a "coward." Deep down this guy just cant belive that someone wouldnt go on his top rated show. It's actually kind of cute, really, even though he's seemed to become angrier and angrier over the last year.

There's a story on about how a guest from "Not in Our name" (an anti-Iraq war group comprised of relitives of 9-11 victims) not only had his microphone cut, but was told off air by an enraged Bill that he was going to "----ing destroy" him.

I'm sure that if you are a fan of Bill's, then you are pumping your fist in the air with approval. Id like to think that there are plenty of people like me who are nearing the breaking point in regards to shows like this. But since, according to conservative types, "no one wants to listen to liberals with TV or radio shows," people like me may be in for a long haul.

But I believe that this goes beyond what side of the political fence you lie on. This is about a big bawl-baby who dosen't know when to quit flapping his jaw, and unfortunatly has three cameras recording every word that comes out of his mouth.

And really, is anyone really afraid of the guy? C'mon, he's no different from anyone's dad.
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