Swept Away (2002)
OK look I read the bitchy reviews and tittered at some of the turns of phrase too.
14 October 2002
OK look I read the bitchy reviews and tittered at some of the turns of phrase too. At some point, though, the critical bloodthirstiness of it all made me cringe. The old American eat-your-artists trip -- a little bald, don't you think? Anyway 'Swept Away' is surprisingly good, for what it is: one of those sexy, Love-Italian-Style trifles. Ritchie's tone was angular and edgy, the characterization of the miserable rich Americans on holiday tart, and you could tell Madonna was sinking her teeth into the role of mega-maintenance Amber, letting it rip acting-wise. Bitchin'! Nice to see her trusting a director. She's frickin' beautiful too, harsh island lighting notwithstanding: Guy Ritchie is just somehow not a vaseline-on-the-lens kinda director, ok people? Adriano Giannini is a damn fine actor, sexy, beautiful and commanding. The film coulda used a lot more sex though, Guy -- I mean, come on, what's the point of a film like 'Swept Away,' after all? A picturesque, Euro-trashy sex romp. Just not enough.
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