Review of Feardotcom

Feardotcom (2002)
At least the poster was cool looking
13 November 2002
My, my, my, what a sick and twisted world we live in for a film such as this to be made. After watching this film, I had to take a shower to wipe off the detritus that was emanating from the screen. What has Stephen Dorff done to his once promising career. This isn't a bad career move, this is jumping off a cliff. Was he angry because he didn't get a part for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre 6 or Ghoulies 7?

This film wasn't even remotely horrid, it was downright atrocious. Quite possibly the most scary film ever made, mainly because some idiot studio exec thought this might appeal to some audience, any audience. What were they shooting for? The crowd that recklessly spends their money because they don't care? I can only imagine how the creators of this film pitched this and still got some idiot to pick it up.
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