Possibly the greatest movie.
30 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie tonight, not knowing what to think. I saw some advance word on IMDB and I looked at the originals imdb page and got the impression that it was horrible. I heard from a friend that this movie was supposed to be much better. If this movie is much better, From Kelly to Justin must be the equivilent to Lord of the Rings.

[possible spoilers] The movie starts out in a cornfield where a little kid (maybe 10 or 11) gets abducted by the creeper. Pure comedy when you see the expression on his dads face after they were chasing after. We then get pulled to a school bus of high school kids coming back from a basketball game. AFter getting two flat tired weird stuff starts to happen. They notice the same type of metal star flattened their tire, and there is no CB or cell phone signal anywhere. The film really unwinds a lot and it's a good comedy flick without trying to be comedy [/possible spoilers]

The movie is good to watch, nice special effects and a little greusome. At the end, though, it really drags on. I really cannot see the director or the editor doing their job, and actually believing that people will take the movie seriously or be scared though.

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