Review of Pukka Tukka

Pukka Tukka (2001– )
Great show, pity about the Swil- esque food
21 January 2002
There is one trap that modern cookery shows have fallen into; and that headfirst. That is: there is too much talk about food.

As a result, the charismatic Jamie Oliver (he speaks funny! Did you notice?) is left out to dry by appalling scripts. The plots are non-sensical, there is little to no pathos, even less bathos, and the love stories - well let's just say it's no Romeo and Juliet (that was written by Shakespeare - he's also English, just like Jamie).

Take a typical episode:

Synopsis, "Here's how to cook". What? We know nothing of the characters, their situation, who's in love with whom, and do we care about them? Not likely!

The special effects are good though.

P.S. Be warned, that is not how you spell "tucker". Although it may well be how you spell "pukka". For those kids in Grade school working on projects and such.
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