Running. Lots and lots of running...
26 October 2002
The Brotherhood III: Young Demons pretty much blows. Nothing happens except for a LOT of running. The acting is the worst yet in the Brotherhood series, as is the "plot".

Lex (Kristopher Turner) is his own Jeff Probst in a game he has created and plays in the school at night. The players all dress up like they're on their way to a renaissance festival and search the school for something that I really don't care to try and remember. During the game, Lex is able to see, hear and talk to anybody, anywhere in the school from his position in the library. As an added touch, a really stupid looking mystery man is loose in the school and appears to be making all of his victims pleasure him orally. This all builds up to a lame climax (no pun intended) that makes the end of The Brotherhood II look like Shakespeare.

This film is annoying. From the constant running though the halls to the never stopping heartbeat, this movie rots. There are two redeeming things about The Brotherhood III: 1: Lex is hot! 2: The shower boy has a killer butt! It's good to see DeCoteau did something right. Other than that, there is nothing in this film to recommend. When will he realize that constant lightening in every scene is not scary? And what was up with those camera angles? I was starting to get motion sickness watching! If I was to list every plot hole in this thing, we'd be here all day.

Anyway, I've rambled on enough about a movie that didn't deserve this much review space to begin with. I won't tell you not to watch it, for you have to decide that for yourself. But I will tell you that I stopped shy of hating this film, and hope that the inevitable Brotherhood IV is more on par with the first in the series than this effort.

My grade: D-
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