I Spy With My Little Eye - CRAP!
8 August 2003
Unlike the original "Spy Kids" (2001), this movie was written solely for children ... very stupid children. If I were 6, I'd find this movie insulting to my intelligence. I was surprised that Robert Rodriguez had written such a vapid pile.

As what is trying to pass for a "story" opens, Juni (Daryl Sabara) has been off on his own for a while after feeling betrayed by the OSS. When he enters the game world to save his sister, one wonders how the heck he ever survived! He's completely helpless and useless! He gets nothing done unless someone steps in and grabs him by the hand. He doesn't affect anything in the story. Everything happens TOO him, not BECAUSE of him. The story is made up of one heavy-handed cliche after another. If you want to be entertained during the film, try and figure out how many movies in which you've heard all the cliched lines the characters seem to vomit forth with bulimic regularity. Believe me, they're ALL in there! The hackneyed script did nothing but accentuate the horrendous acting. Where the original "Spy Kids" proved, through their actions, that the family unit is important, this dreck pays it only lip service ad nauseam, so much so in fact, it makes one wonder if the Menendez brothers didn't have the right idea!

Oddly enough, that's not the worst of it. 3-D technology has advanced impressively over the years as showcased in "Captain EO", "It's Tough To Be A Bug", "T-Rex: Back to the Cretaceous" and "Ghosts of the Abyss". Apparently, no one told Mr. Rodriguez. His 3-D technique dates back to 1922 when it was first used! If he had heard of the advancements in the medium, the audience could have enjoyed the various primary colors that were used in the costumes and in the scenery not to mention that fact that it would actually have looked three dimensional. At best, the 3-D portions of the film were a muddy mess. Needless to say, I had to remove my glasses after some time - the movie itself was annoying enough.

If you have the choice to see this movie or have extensive and painful oral surgery, visit the dentist - at least he'll give you a lollipop for your pain.
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