OK movie
9 August 2004
Maybe my expectations were too high (and whose wouldn't be after 'Schuh des Manitu'?), but I came out of this movie a bit disappointed. Many of the gags didn't connect. The gay-jokes weren't new if you have seen the 'Bullyparade' on a regular basis, and there were too many trailers out that already showed many of the good scenes.

The only really funny part were the take-outs at the end. Maybe Bully should shoot a movie, throw it away, and just give us 90 minutes of take-outs...that would be excruciatingly funny.

There are some things that work, though. The movie starts you off laughing with a totally misplaced music score, and ends you laughing with the take-outs. In between, it gets a bit thin. The CG are surprisingly good. The dogfight was both funny and exciting. And some of the actors know how to do their thing (Sky duMont and Christoph Maria Herbst as the King and his adviser being most notable. Bully and his gang were only average). The many allusions to other SciFi movies made me smile a couple of times - but I guess this was lost on the average Bully-audience.

In conclusion: Not a waste of money, but not something I would rent to see again on DVD. Go see it once.

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