29 July 2004
Who can forget Charlize Theron's monstrous Oscar-winning performance as serial killer Aileen Wuornos in `Monster'? Charlize was an actress portraying a monster. In the documentary `Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer', Aileen Wuornos is also somewhat an actress portraying a monster. Her courtroom antics prove it! This doc was actually made back in 92. After the `Monster' mash, documentary filmmaker Nick Broomfield decided to add a couple of more scenes and re-release it in 2003. Anyone who has been captivated by the Aileen Wuornos story will find this documentary to be mmmmm I guess captivating. However, he interviews such imbeciles like Wuornos' adopted mother & singing lawyer. Broomfield should have bloody cut their screen time. The highlight of `Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer' is Wournos' death row interview. It is downright terrifying! Hats off to Broomfield for his courageous gab with Aileen. However, why did he take us on a highway to hell by interviewing the imbecile adopted mother & singing lawyer? At that point I was about to rename this documentary `Mission Imbecible'. Broomfield made a brave documentary, but this broom man did not sweep me off my feet with `Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer'. *** Average
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