Dark Walker (2003 Video)
An Average Slasher
16 September 2003
DARKWALKER is an average Teen Slasher film. Unfortunately being "average" as it relates to direct-to-video Teen Slashers does not make it "average" in quality. The film is somewhat entertaining in a dull, mindless, repetitive way. Even for someone like myself, who indulges in these type of movies, and gives every break imaginable, there's not enough meat (much less sense) here to justify 90 minutes of running time.

As a mindless type of film, I suppose it's good enough. It's certainly nothing extraordinary (meaning the two perfect "10" grade for this film is not to be believed), but it is not entirely bad.

Fun at places, but ultimately too generic, even for a genre of films built on a foundation of being generic.

4 out of 10

(go to www.nixflix.com for a more detailed review of the film)
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