if you're "insulted" then you just don't get it.
25 November 2003
it seems that a lot of people writing reviews for this dvd are saying things like "as a fan, i'm insulted" or "david cross is a jerk who just makes fun of his fans". come on! did you watch the dvd? the people he made fun of (the hecklers, the drunken idiots, the interviewers who obviously knew nothing about him) had it coming to them! this dvd is hilarious and is an interesting look at what it's like to be a stand-up performer who has to occupy a stage alone night after night entertaining people... and guess what? if you're well known and have many fans, some of the people you're entertaining are bound to be idiots that need to be mocked.

david cross's brand of humor is quite smart, so if you're also smart enough to get it then you will enjoy this hilarious dvd. if you're sad and boo-hooing because you think david cross is a "meanie" who "makes fun of his fans", then you just don't get it.
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