Review of QI

QI (2003– )
Very good
6 November 2003
I have often heard Stephen Fry accused of being pleased with himself for being so clever. This implies that there is something intrinsically wrong with being clever.

QI is a perfect vehicle for Fry and others to show how clever and witty they are. And why not?

You know, if I was as clever and witty as Stephen Fry. I would be pleased with myself too.

As for the complaints about the intelligence and wit being sullied by smut, remember that many of us LIKE smut. The difference between fans and opponents of smut, is that you are unlikely to hear comments on 'Points Of View' complaining about a paucity of dirty jokes. So keep the smut forthcoming please.

There should be enough facts in the world to keep this show going for a while yet.
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