Murders in the Zoo (1933) ***
3 October 2004
This seldom-seen hidden gem features the sadistic Lionel Atwill at his evil best. As a jealous zoologist, he resorts to drastic measures by using his animals to kill any man who makes a play for his luscious wife (Kathleen Burke, the panther woman from ISLAND OF LOST SOULS, who exudes exotic beauty). There are some pretty "extreme" methods of dealing death for such an early film, utilizing snakes, alligators and one pretty horrific sequence involving "sewing".

The only wrench in the works is the maddeningly unfunny comedian, Charlie Ruggles (who even gets top billing!) who's like a consistent thorn in the side of the movie whenever he pops in every now and then. I'm not one for altering original films under any circumstances, but I may make a unique exception in this case to excise all of this idiot's scenes. Luckily, the movie still emerges as an easy and enjoyable 62 minutes if you ignore Ruggles and savor the main plot of a green-eyed husband making people pay. *** out of ****
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