Forever Lulu (2000)
5 October 2004
Forget all the analyses and comparisons and fan enthusiasm. Forget the stupid episode of Penelope Miller (playing a qualified psychiatrist) throw herself at a fellow air traveler (thank goodness they didn't add in a bedroom scene - that would really have driven the film off course!). This film is emotional, yes, but also real. I know individuals who have gone through torment like this. I am also impressed by the way in which each character came quietly to grips with his/her situation at the end. That was very perceptive of the makers because that was what would have happened. The way that Swayze's character communicates with his wife in the car on leaving the airport is very believable and makes you appreciate the work they are both going to put in to remake their marriage. Probably the whole ending winds you up so tightly because of Lauren Kinkade's song "Say Goodbye". She sounds so much like Sheena Easton and that made me sit up as SE and Melanie Griffiths have a Don Johnson connection. That would have been too much!! I'm really glad to have come across this DVD.
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