This had to be the best animated series EVER
7 October 2004
I can't believe that there are other people that know about this! My brothers and I seemed to have been the only ones that ever knew about it until now. I'm going to have to let them know that we're not the only ones!! I grew up watching toons (i.e., bugs and friends), woody woodpecker, Ghostbusters, GI Joe, Thundercats, He-Man, Transformers, you know, all the classics. I have three brothers, what else is a girl to do?? :-) But when Galaxy Rangers came out, I thought it was the coolest cartoon ever--they gave the GI Joe gang a run for their $$. I would've thought that Cartoon Network or Noggin or one of these cartoon cable networks would've put this in rotation by now. They gave Thundercats a chance... ANYway, I would love to see this on cartoon network--even if it's just a marathon. Is there anyway to contact the creator and get this thing on DVD??!! Peace to all my Galaxy Ranger FANS!!!!!!!
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