Revenge of the 80's: Sho Kosugi's Cannon Films.
7 November 2004
Ninja III: The Domination (1984) was the last of the trilogy. However Sho Kosugi would later extend the series life by making the sequels in the Phillipines (i.e. Nine Deaths of a Ninja). The filmmakers decided to do things differently with this third installment in the "Ninja" series.

A young and hot telephone worker (Lucinda Dickey) is slowly possessed by an evil ninja. She turns into a killing machine when she takes possession of a ninja sword she finds on duty. Sho Kosugi stars as a "good" ninja who picks up some bad mojo whilst searching for the evil ninja. His search leads him in the general direction of Lucinda. Now he knows where the evil ninja is, he pulls out his magic bag and fights him. Who will win the battle of good versus evil?

You have to hand it to the filmmakers for trying something different. Instead of rehashing the same old plot, they tried to add some mysticism to the storyline. The results are a mixed bag. But Sho Kosugi and Lucinda Dickey more than make up for it. Not as good as the last movie but better than the first.

Recommended for Sho Kosugi fans.


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