A Great Movie... not void of faults though.,,,,,
11 November 2004
Now thats not to say I am blind to its faults but despite that, I still enjoyed it. When I first went to see it I saw it back to back with Spider Man. I sat there and criticized every single thing that looked wrong to me. I thought wow people were right, this film has a lot of flaws. I rented it when it first came out on DVD and didn't care for it much at all. Then a year later I rented it on DVD again I had gotten back in to the Star Wars Craze and became more of a Fan of the Franchise so to speak. I saw it and fell in Love with it. Why? because I really took a long thorough look at this film and put aside my harsh critique of it. I Loved the Battle at geonosis I was thinking alright! Laser War! what a feast for the eyes that was! I loved all the action scenes they were great. I loved all the characters Yoda doesn't look that bad, in fact he looks a hex of a lot more expressive and you tell me how he would have been able to do that Lightsabre Duel against Dooku if he was still the puppet; strings would be showing for sure. I Liked Hayden Christensen He has a james dean edge and what he lacks in expression he makes up for with his eyes they are are very expressive. Natalie Portman did a good job again as Padme, though I liked her in Episode 1 a lot better. Ewan Mgregor turned in another wonderful performance as Obi-wan. All the actors were great in this film.

Now for the cons The Dialogue was terrible! except for some lines, This didn't have the same Star Wars mysticism that Phantom Menace had. Geoge Lucas scripted this badly but Roger Ebert was right when he said " there isn't one single line worth quoting in this film." I think we should be thankful that the actors worked as well as they did with a green screen and such dialogue, now that's acting, ( although it is apparent that most of the actors are not yet 100% comfortable with the green screen yet).

The Love story was beautiful innocent and tragic because we know what is going to happen, as for the music WOW what a score ! Across the Stars was a beautiful Love theme. The costumes were great! beautiful, stunning and different. I wonder why they did not make Dolls of Padme for Episode 2, that really burned me up. I liked the locations in this film. I felt the Love story was a bit rushed however and some of the scenes seemed in the wrong place and poorly edited, Like the end of the meadow scene when they are rolling around on top of each other wheres the end to that? it just stops with Padme on top. I also felt this was more of a film geared to the fans liking. Lucas goes you guys want action? you've got it! and thats all not much of a love story in between there. I felt there needed to be more scenes to develop the love story a bit further to go more in depth with the attraction between Anikan and Padme. I still love it though and to all those who complain that the love scenes are "campy" I bet that when Empire strikes Back was released people called the romance in that film campy too. I think you need to view this film more than once to really understand it. These prequels are great films they tie in well with the Original Trilogy and with age this saga will become one of the great film sagas ever made.
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