Star Wars: Battlefront (2004 Video Game)
Forget the Force.The troopers are the best!
16 November 2004
Star Wars Battlefront could be named " Star Wars Battlefieldfront ".It's very similar with Battlefield 1942 or Battlefield: Vietnam.

I am a total Star Wars maniac, that's why I bought this game. It's a very cool game.Very cool.

You can choose four civilizations: Rebels, Imperials, Republicans and the Confederacy.Each one has different aspects and each civilization has a special unit. But all civilizations can ride starships like X-Wings, TIE Fighters, Clone Ships and others.

And there's another thing that Star Wars fans have waited too long: The possibility of killing Ewoks and Gungans! Die Ewoks! Die Gungans!

If you are a Star Wars fan, don't miss this game. If I could vote in VGs, i would give Star Wars Battlefront 10/10!
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