Narrow Minded Idiots Hate This Movie
26 November 2004
How could any rational, sensible, educated, Christian person support George W. Bush? I'm sure God and Jesus are 100% on our side for bombing families and babies that never posed any threat to the United States. Bush was just re-elected by screaming that he was a man of God, that he knew where the FAITH of Americans stood, and blah-blah-blah-blah. Yes, all you Bush supporters...I think it is GREAT that thousands of our poor, uneducated teen boys are being slaughtered on a daily basis..and for what? Bush freaks love to say that "our boys are fighting for our freedom." BULL! When was the FREEDOM of the United States ever in question? George W. Bush is an uneducated, thoughtless, murdering WAR DODGER. He was too much of a sissy to fight in Vietnam, so he gets Daddy Bush to take care of it. Now, he's sending all of our (DUMB, BRAINWASHED) kids over there to get murdered! Why doesn't he send those pill-popping, boozing daughters of his over to Iraq? I can not believe that we are stuck with this dumb hick for four more years. Why did Bush win again? Because so many American people are SHEEP...bah,bah,bah,bah... we must follow! Pathetic.
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