Tooth Fairy (2004)
Great laugh
1 December 2004
This was the first amazon shorts I watched through the end. Chris's search for the tooth was both heart warming and funny. More importantly it held my attention and I joined in on the search. For the fifteen minutes it contained all the characteristics of a good feature length film, HUMOR- observing the antics a father would go through to fulfill his daughter's hopes, SUSPENSE - the thought patterns of child's mind and nail biting DRAMA - as a watched the search I kept wondering - would he find? or would his daughter be disappointed?. I commend the writer and director for depicting what could have been a very dry subject in a very appealing manner. It was like a good book - once opened you don't ever want to put it down. More importantly, the length's I had to go through to set up an account with IMDb, cast a vote and write this comment says it all.
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