Bracken does a Larry Parks
15 December 2004
As this was made in 1945,before The Jolson Story,Paramount were obviously first to the idea of a lesser light being dubbed by a megastar.In this instance Eddie Bracken plays a small town nerd with the singing voice of Bing Crosby.Diana Lynn signs him up to a contract.To pay her way to a big town chance she has to sell off part of his contract to his friends,and what do you guess happens?A la The Producers she sells off 125% of the contract>she then has to find a way out of her predicament.There are 8 featured numbers,none of which are memorable.There is one number where a number of big band leaders of the day play a selection in unison.Also there is Cass daley and a good supporting cast.I rather like her comedy and i remember seeing her in a show of old timers in 1972.It is the sort of film which would pass a rainy afternoon very pleasantly.
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