Some clips are good but it is the minority – meanwhile Windsor & Williams' material is weak
21 December 2004
Hunting through the archives in their local cinema, Kenneth Williams and Barbara Windsor dig out all the old classics and settled down to watch them while eating out of a hamper. The structure (as if to suggest there is one) involves them playing a few clips from each movie as they make regular quips in between. As always with the series, originality and production values were not always top of the agenda and so this idea was ripped off from the success of MGM's That's Entertainment so the Carry On producers were trying to get more money out of very little.

Of course some of the clips are funny but if you are a fan you'll have seen them all before and will actually enjoy the films themselves rather than just watching the clips (and this isn't aimed at fans then who is it aimed at?). Not all the movies were much good though and it reflects in the fact that many of the clips are not that funny either. The interruptions (as the credits say) by Williams and Windsor all feel very cheap and lacking in imagination – there is a fine line between witty innuendo and out & out crudity and they are way, way over that line here with a shed load of unimaginative and crude jokes around body parts, sex and going to the toilet. Of course this will not be too much of a shock to those who have seen any of the films but it is the way it is done here that put me off.

Of course being a clips show we can't pick which ones we one to watch and therefore are lumbered with a lot of poor material just to get to the better stuff (much like the series over all) so I'd say just cherry pick the films themselves; that way you can select the better films, ignore the lesser ones and you won't have to put up with some real sub-par crudity from Williams and Windsor in cheap, dated clothing, not ever really putting the effort into it at all.
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