excellent suspenseful movie except...
5 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I really believe they should of cut out the first part involving Shelley Winters out of the movie as it spoils too much of the surprise ahead. After Finchs character has the drunken "WHO AFRAID OF VIRGINNIA WOLFE" type argument with Winters its too obvious after that she may of met with foul play. Try this...fast forward the opening scene and begin from when Finch first picks up Hayden. Then the story is improved and keeps you guessing why Finch's character is so nervous and accommodating to Hayden's threats. in other words FF the first 10 minutes. The film works better that way. its almost as though thats how it was originally filmed until some clueless production sod demanded more explanation tacked onto the beginning and thus the sequences with Winters was filmed, explaining why she is only in it for a few short scenes.hence, almost ruining the film with too much info given to us. But don't let me put you off...this is a brilliant film on psychological warfare and Hayden is at her sultry best. Fans of Bava's RABID DOGS ought to check this out.
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