Door to Door (2002 TV Movie)
Perseverance over ones disabilities
17 January 2005
The portrayal of peoples attitudes towards other peoples physical differences, being they, handicapped in some way or skin colour is wonderfully enacted in this movie. How once you accept someone as just another human being, that person is able to achieve as well as the next person. Macy's portrayal of Bill Porter is engrossing, it wasn't until I looked up the movie on this web page I realised who was acting as Bill Porter, I was convinced he was acting as himself! I have to applaud Bill Porter for his achievements in life and how he was so independent. To be the Salesman of the Year, he had a custom base of regular customers who treated him as their friend and confident. Shelly's character was the friend we all wished we had, but Bill Porter was lucky enough to have her for his. Did the movie ever tell us what her major was? Maybe it did, but I was so engrossed with Porter's character, I didn't notice. A great lil' "feel good" movie, despite the prejudice shown in the movie from the characters that Bill Porter encountered in his every day life, from his 1st customers to his last pimply faced boss.
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