Review of Funny Face

Funny Face (1957)
I expected so much more
19 January 2005
Audrey Hepburn AND Fred Astaire?! Good golly, I was expecting so much more.

My husband and I settled down in front of the tube awaiting a gloriously dance- filled "Roman Holiday", or something like that. Wow, it was going to be full of Gershwin tunes! And the costumes were going to be great, too--all by the legendary Edith Head.

Unfortunately, we were disappointed in every way. From the completely chemistry-free love story (yeah, right) , to the unsuccessful caterpillar-turns butterfly story (um, hello...Audrey is supposed to be a "funny" looking girl, not model material? Gimme a break), to the unmemorable songs (" 'S Wonderful" was the only good one), to the weird leaping-about stylings of Fred's dancing (come on!! You can do SO much better!), to, finally, the awful wedding dress that made even beautiful Audrey Hepburn look dumb (my husband finally burst out, "Jeez!! Lose the gym shoes and tutu!!").

The only good parts were Audrey's beatnik dance and multiple shots of a vintage Constellation airliner (hubby is an airplane buff). If you're thinking of seeing this, do yourself a favor and get "My Fair Lady" and some Fred&Ginger movie instead.
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