Tony Jaa is a GREAT GUY!!
8 February 2005
I was invited (at the last minute) to a sneak screening of 'Ong-Bak, Thai Warrior' last night in Washington, DC. Had no idea what the movie was about nor who was in it. My friend only sits in the third row from the front, so I had to follow suit. THANK GOD, it was an impressive movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the movie credits rolled, the PR person announced that the star of the film, Tony Jaa, would be making an appearance! He walked in and received a standing ovation. He smiled, waved, bowed and said thank you. Once up front, he immediately dropped into a split, then executed some amazing gymnastic kicks & flips. 5 other martial artists then came in and they proceeded with a 10 min. demonstration. It was very, very impressive. Tony then sat down and signed posters and postcards of the movie. Afterwards, the few people still there were able to pose with him for pictures. Most people just took shots with their cell phones. I had my trusty 35mm camera and snapped off some shots. Tony Jaa (Phanom Yeerum) is a lovely person and deserves all the best in everything.
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