Adam & Evil (2004)
Couldn't purposely be worse then this "film"
7 March 2005
My wife and I occasionally like to find the worst films we can and enjoy them in a sort of MST3K sort of way. We came across this #$&! and knew it stunk of "worst film ever" potential simply from the description. Oh my...what a treat of awful "filmmaking". We debated whether someone could set out with the intent of making a "film" worse then this one and succeed. We came to the conclusion that it would be incredibly tough, but possible. Though after factoring in this "film's" collection of some of the least talented "actors" (although I'm still convinced they were pulled directly from a local High School Theatre 101 class), we decided that a worse film script might be possible...but it would be impossible to purposely find a worse cast. I don't care how absurd you want to get...cast a film entirely with drunks off the street, chimps, or computer driven AI with the sort of "Stephen Hawking" still wouldn't be as devoid of talent, as badly delivered, or as lacking of any semblance of emotion as this cast managed to do.

An awful...bloody awful film that is hilarious in it's awfulness.

Brody Harms is now in the running for the "worst actor to ever be put on film" (or video in this case as I believe it went straight to) award. I'm talking hideousness in epic proportions...
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