Halle gets back to good scripts.
8 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have not read the book upon which, the film was based, as so many others have. I am not surprised, though that it wouldn't be the same because it is the rare movie that does this and most movies that come from books do not shine as brightly as the book versions.

For what this was however, I enjoyed it. I don't think it was Oscar quality but for a television movie it was very good. Halle Berry gave a strong performance and is it a relief after movies like Catwoman and Gothica, to see her with a quality script again.

The movie itself was very interesting and captivating in the way it depicted the time period, atmosphere and small village life at that time. The characters, all of them, were multi dimensional and interesting. I loved the camaraderie between the townspeople and the character of Janie, as played by Berry, was an interesting and complex woman. I found the movie to be very well done, emotionally powerful in some places and never dull at all. It, to me, rates around a 7.5 of 10 and did inspire me to want to read the book. Who knows, if the book's as good as is said on here, maybe my feelings will change after reading it. But while this movie may not be perfect I don't see how it could be called bad.

My major problem and here comes the WARNING-SPOILERS THROUGHOUT!! Since I hadn't read the book, I didn't know the story. But I did feel that some things seemed contrived. I knew, as soon, as Janie, narrating the story talked of how TK gave her love every day, that something terrible was going to Happen. Then came talks of the hurricane. Now there came the question to me-why were Janie and TK the only ones who stayed behind? It's always like this in the movies. The characters do things that don't make a lot of sense and sometimes it seems like they do these things just so the movie can have a plot twist to throw at us.The hurricane's coming, they know it's gonna be bad, everyone else leaves.Now I know there was no weather channel back then and they didn't want to miss a week's pay but to me it seemed like this the way this happened was a bit contrived.

The movie gives away what's to come as the word hurricane is thrown around repeatedly, shots of the ominous looking sky are shown, repeated talks of how bad it's gonna be....then the rabies which is just the icing on the cake(though in all fairness that did seem a bit less contrived then the staying behind during the hurricane).

I must say that is my major complaint. Still, I thought this was better then I thought it would be and solid as a well done television drama. Hopefully, Halle will stop winning razzies and stay with quality scripts once again and I think she made a good choice with this one. My vote is 7.5 out of 10.
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