Review of Whale Rider

Whale Rider (2002)
the perfect antidote to heavy-handed Hollywood symbolism!
21 March 2005
Whale Rider gets two big canoe paddles up from me for the beautiful, refreshing way it redeems the use of symbolism from the garbage dump of hackneyed cinematic conventions.

Most movies have symbolism--heavy, cloying, we'll-do-the-thinking-for you symbolism in which Meaningful (with a capital M!) looks between characters, Meaningfully slow close-ups on Meaningful objects, repetition of Meaningful phrases or what have you are a dime a dozen--and usually accompanied by overt, Meaningful music.

Whale Rider steers clear of this pap. Yes, it has symbolism. But it's light and skillful: nothing is tediously explained to the audience, then repeated at a "critical" moment. No character utters a line so turgid with Meaning that it makes you groan. When a symbol does appear, it is gently soft-pedaled before it intrudes on the story.

Movie fans should keep a copy of Whale Rider around as a home remedy for cloying, pretentious symbolism. If, say, you have the misfortune to watch part of "Powder", immediately insert this DVD and sit back while it removes the sticky gunk from your mind. Ahhhh. Perfect.
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