Lake Placid (1999)
Awful! Feed it to the crocs!
11 April 2005
What can I say? I remember being utterly annoyed when I saw 'Lake Placid' years ago and hating it completely, and now, stumbling upon some glowing comments with 9s and 10s and anything above 5 attached to them, I thought I stretch my shaky memory, and put in my two cents on this rubbish!

Yes, it's tongue'n'cheek! Yes, it's a B-grade monster movie that doesn't take itself too seriously- but even 'Eight Legged Freaks" (another film I'm not a huge fan of) was way better than this! 'Deep Rising' is a masterpiece compared to this rubbish! At least the characters in that film took their premise a little more seriously! 'Lake Placid' is just simply not funny at all! There is no cleverness to the humour! Oliver Platt- irritating, Bill Pullman- bland, Bridget Fonda- hmmm, umm, boring, and Betty White- yes, swearing is super-funny, not! I don't get the love for this movie at all. It's not very funny, nor does it have heaps of death scenes to keep you entertained. And as for the crocodile- give me the computer-generated sharks in 'Deep Blue Sea' any day of the way (at least that film was rather funny, and didn't take itself too seriously either) or gimme an overly huge python in the almost-as-awful but "actually" B-grade 'Python' (which at least had Casper Van Dien with a moustache- come on? what more do want a film with a giant snake?)! Lake Placid had nothing going for it!

Steve Miner, director of 'Friday the 13th Part 2', 'Friday the 13th Part 3' and 'Warlock' has made his worse film in 'Lake Placid'- heck, even 'Big Bully' was better than this unfunny ham-fisted bore-fest! If I ever get the DVD as a gift or something, remind me to gift-wrap in cow-flesh and throw into real crocodile infested waters!

* out of *****!
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