Review of Old Glory

Old Glory (1939)
19 April 2005
This is one of those Looney Tunes cartoons used by Warner Brothers to educate kids in the '30s and '40s about the USA and about their fantastic heritage. It is too bad that it was released in 1939, too early to contain information about how our soldiers and sailors fought and died in Europe to ensure the freedom for those people, so that they could live to post disparaging comments about this cartoon and about our country. The cartoon tells the children how good and brilliant and important the USA is and how many good and brave people died for this great country so that weenies like the reviewer from the Netherlands could survive the Nazi invasion of their country and post ridiculous comments on this and other websites. There is no attempt to be funny, because this cartoon wasn't made to be funny. Everything wasn't funny back in 1939. You had to be there to understand this. In the era that this little film was made, it wasn't unusual to promote the greatness and beauty of the USA or to make the USA-enemies look dumb/stupid, which they were. We see Porky Pig in 'Old Glory' studying and dreaming of the greatness of his country. With Uncle Sam explaining to him (and the patriotic young viewers, like myself) all about how important and loving the USA is, it was a good lesson to little people of the '30s. It is still a good lesson today, but, sad to say, it wouldn't be as well-received as it was when it was released. It should, however, be a good lesson to people who owe the US a great deal of gratitude for kicking the Axis powers out of their countries, the Netherlands for example, and allowing them the freedom to run down the United States and its patriotism, even with the most atrocious use of the English language as I have ever seen. Three cheers for Porky, Uncle Sam, and the greatest nation in the world, the United States of America.
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