Though overlong, 'Terminator 2' is a fun, action-packed thrill ride
14 May 2005
Arnold Schwarzenegger is back. This time he's a heroic Terminator re-programmed to stop the T-1000 (Robert Patrick), a more advanced cyborg (made entirely of shape-shifting liquid metal) sent to kill a teen (Edward Furlong, film debut), future leader of the human resistance. In a battle between good Terminator and bad Terminator, who will win? And can judgment day be prevented?

James Cameron is back as director and co-writer. He overloads this film with enough action, car chases, explosions and eye-popping (but expensive and Oscar-winning) special effects to satisfy any sci-fi or action fan. There's no reason to call this film boring.

Once again, Schwarzenegger is at his best as the friendly robot. Instead of killing, he maims or scares anyone who gets in his way. At one point, he shoots a guard in the leg and says "He'll live." Patrick is menacing as the T-1000 not fazed by bullets and can morph into anything or anyone he comes in contact with.

Linda Hamilton also returns as Sarah Connor. She's the teen's mom and former victim of the Terminator (from the first film). She's very convincing as a tough, caring mother, and not wimpy as she was from the first film.

Though overlong, "Terminator 2" is a fun, action-packed thrill ride.

My evaluation: *** out of ****
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